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Araucaria is a software tool for analysing arguments. It aids a user in reconstructing and diagramming an argument using a simple point-and-click interface. The software also supports argumentation schemes, and provides a user-customisable set of schemes with which to analyse arguments.

Once arguments have been analysed they can be saved in a portable format called "AML", the Argument Markup Language, which is based on XML. XML is a flexible language which can easily be used to generate web pages and data with which to populate a database. The definition of AML is available in the file argument.dtd.

Araucaria Screenshot
Araucaria has been designed with the student, instructor, and researcher in mind. It is sufficiently straightforward to be useful to students learning how to reconstruct arguments, diagram them, and apply argumentation schemes. It is sufficiently flexible for instructors to provide their own examples, sample analyses, and alternate sets of argumentation schemes. Finally, it is also sufficiently powerful to be of use in research, particularly in providing examples of argument analyses to support claims.

Araucaria is written in Java, which means that it runs on most computers, including all versions of Windows, UNIX and Linux, Macs, and so on. The software is free (it is released under the GNU General Public License) and version 2.0 is now available for download.

Access to AraucariaDB, the online repository of arguments, is now available not only through Araucaria, but also through a flexible search engine. It is constructed from examples draw from a wide range of online resources.

The Araucaria user manual is also available in Postscript and PDF formats.

Sample files are also available for use with Araucaria in the samples directory.

Schemesets are also available from this page for use in the Araucaria software. The following list of schemesets is to be extended over the coming months:
Araucaria is a collaborative project between Chris Reed and Glenn Rowe at the Department of Applied Computing, University of Dundee.

*If you use MacOS X, there may be a Java versioning issue which can be resolved by following these instructions.

Last updated 10 Mar 2004
Chris Reed